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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Rainbow Crash

Rainbow Dash's worst moments






There's a tree there

Haha. Ponybalism!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Obsessive Fans

Sorry I haven't posted for a while!

I would actually buy this

Holy Pony! She has, like, all of them! old and new!

I WANT THEM!!!!!!!!! I have pinkie pie, but there is also a fluttershy.
Aww, so cute!

Ponyville Express! Omigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh omigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigoshomigosh :P
Check out these wigs! I thinks thy're kinda funny.
Even in Germany! so cool!

These are amazing!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

LOTR edition

I think it's pretty funny when people put ponies in LOTR.

 -Lord of the Rings- My little Pony!

LOL! I've always loved the in of the Prancing Pony, now I love it even more!

LOL! Talk about creativity! He may not be an alicorn now, but at least he's white...

C'mon, Aaragorn's pretty awesome

LOL! Some of the BEST movies combined.

That's so cool! Ha, I guess the crystal heart just got taken over :(

LOL!! And the're both crazy. Ok, Frodo get's better but still...

Oh, derpy.

Good old pinkie popping up wherever.

LOL!! I love that song!

Ponies watching LOTR! wouldn't have it any other way!
Special thanks to:

I fricken LOVE this shirt!!!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween ponies!


Hello Princess

My first halloween!


She's made of paper


Hello there!!

hee hee

Poor Luna!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Silly stuff

Oh Dashie
Derpy is the best!
No idea what this is from, but it's funny
Great candid shot!
Keep dreaming kid! ROFL!!
Sorry this is so small, but it's funny.

P.S. to y'all. Sorry I havn't been able to post for a while, the computer was down :(

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Twilight sparkle!


HAHA! I never noticed that before!

Really Spike? Really?
Then and now.

Is twilight in there? I'd like to speak to her please!

She's got a plan, and you better like it!

I'm so smart, don't be ridiculous.

 Is this real?

Twilight SPARKLE!! Get it? :)

Well THIS isn't creepy at all!